Monday, April 20, 2009

Computer Built & Using Scripts

Well my computer is finally built and you know I couldn't wait to fire it up to play my first session. The thing about it is that I had put everything together on Saturday with my boy Al but had trouble loading the OS so finished that up on Sunday. I also had to transfer a bunch of music and videos from my old computer so I can eventually get to formatting the hd and putting it in my new box. Although I am tempted to just wait and get another 1 TB HD. Then, I thought I was gonna get all sophisticated so I downloading some scripts to run to help me multi table. My Hotkey program selections are Stars Assitant, StarsHotkeys, and Debustifier. It takes a little bit of getting use to because I had to tweak the settings to give me what I want. I didn't really like how Stars Assitant would bring up the active table and not really let you select what table you can act on. I guess it is just different because the program is essentially telling you to play optimally I guess but hey I wanna do stuff quicker on other tables like when I want to snap AA and such things. Other than that my first session wasn't that spectacular. I ended up have like a 28% ROI over 43 games for a whopping $83. Oh well I am not complaining because it was a winning session but it felt good to get comfortable on my new computer. I also had to mess around and fidget with the custom table layout when the tournaments. It was kind of tilting and next time I will be sure to set that up before I start playing by just opening tables and setting stuff up. Its tilting trying to line up the stuff to stack it and make the same size but it got accomplished. Other than that life is pretty good and I can't complain at all. I am having a good month and really liking how my game is progressing. I really see myself getting more comfortable in a lot spots where I used to was not. Hmm it seems like the quality of my posts are so bad but meh I don't care I kind of enjoy writing whats on my mind. Till next time.



Dang Le said...

Hey WB

I was curious if you would be interested in a prop bet. Something like an earn-more (last-longer) for a month. I think it'd be great motivation for both of us. Contact me at my profile email.

mmerrin said...

The next blog should be posted July 1, 2010. ;-)